We will be adding more testimonies here of the change that it makes having Jesus in our lives.
Rebecca Law was baptised on Sunday 26th February 2017. Here is her testimony for you to read and enjoy.
I was not brought up in a strict Christian family environment as my parents didn’t go to church, but my grandparents did, so the idea of there being a God wasn’t completely new to me. My parents split up when I was thirteen which left me feeling alone and as if I had no one to trust anymore. These were difficult, stressful times for me and my head went into some pretty dark places, so I ploughed all my energy into my schoolwork as a coping mechanism.
At Swavesey I made a friend who was a Christian and after I’d been asking about their faith, they invited me along to church with their family to see what it’s like for myself.
I was very anxious about it because I’m a worrier; especially when it comes to new places and people. However, the moment I went into Bethel Baptist Church in Swavesey, I felt at ease and everyone was so welcoming to me.
There I attended Footsteps, the Sunday school group for my age, and noticed a certain energy they all had when discussing the life of Jesus. This certainly sparked my search for truth, and what it was that these ‘church people’ had that I didn’t.
When Grandma passed away I felt this compelling urge to write her a poem, which I read out at her funeral. Public speaking has never been my strong point so I thought ‘what have I done?’, but I felt that something was there helping me to stay calm, and now I know that it was God.
Meeting up with Rachel every Friday evening to study the book of John has been a real highlight for me because I’ve felt so encouraged by the life of Jesus and our discussion always brings it to life with energy and laughter.
When God became real to me was when I went to Soul Survivor last summer, a Christian festival for young people. Being in a large open space with thousands of young Christians, singing and listening to energetic speakers together, was truly inspiring and uplifting. Near the end of the week during one of the songs I started to cry tears of both joy and pain because it hit me there and then that yes I had suffered, sinned and have a lot of worries, but it’s okay because God loves me, and everyone, so much that he sent his one and only son, Jesus, to suffer tremendously on Earth and sacrifice his life on the cross so that I may be forgiven and have eternal life. That to me is the ultimate display of love, and it felt as if the weight had been lifted from my shoulders because finally, I had someone I could trust.
I now feel this energy that I just want to share, the thing I had been missing was a relationship with God! Helen Porter from Bethel once said to me “Becca, I know God will work wonders for you, but you’ve got to let him.” And I can tell you that now I have let him, he’s certainly working wonders. I’ve been enjoying uniting with other Christians at the Hills Road Christian Union and I’ve had lots of fun assisting with the Sunday school at church. But most especially, I’ve found a new family of the kindest, most loving people here at Over Baptist and you’ve helped me to grow as a new Christian and to put my trust in Jesus.
I’ve got some tough A-Level exams coming up, but with Jesus, by my side, I feel a sense of great comfort because I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.