At the start of 2016, the Sunday School was relaunched with a brand new structure that incorporates activities and crafts to learn and explore God’s word while having fun!
We currently have one class with children ranging in age between 5 and 11 years. This class is taught in the adjoining rooms during the time the adults are hearing the sermon in the main building.
Each session is led by a teacher and an assistant, and we currently have a team of eight adults who share the roles between them. Each person brings their own creativity and enthusiasm to the team and to each session with the children.
Our first series of ten lessons, “The King, the Snake and the Promise”, started us off with a BANG! This series was a Bible overview and each week the craft activity was focussed on making a banner. Each week the children enjoyed adding a new section to the banner, and each section explained what had been taught and helped the children remember it. The children thoroughly enjoyed the cutting and sticking tasks. At the end of the ten sessions, the children showed the whole banner off to the church explaining what it was about and the congregation certainly learned a thing or two!
Our second series of ten lessons was titled “Meet the King” and helped the children understand the person and work of Jesus. For this series each child made a scrapbook and these again proved a wonderful prompt to remember each lesson.
Here’s a song from one week’s lesson.
Here are some photos from when we learned about Jesus's death and resurrection. We were making mummies.
Our third series was about twelve parables that Jesus taught. This series helped us all become more creative in our storytelling techniques, and it helped the children understand and apply some of what Jesus taught.
Our new series for 2017/2018 is based on Scripture Union materials known as Mosaic.
The theme is 'God rescues'.
Although we have a small number of children across a wide age range, it creates the opportunity to really get to know the children and to enjoy a family-like atmosphere. We would be delighted for you and your children to learn with us.
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”